Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New Year, New Vids

Well Christmas is over but I'm still on my long break - got one week left and I'm luxuriating... lazy days and long nights! Still waiting on a couple of Christmas presents, with some lost in the post. Working my way through our liquor collection having already sunk all of our Christmas and New Years wine. Tis the season to be pickled.

I made some videos last night, while playing with some footage I captured and listening to Nowa Huta's soundcloud. Quite by accident the two just seemed to fuse together beautifully.

Here's the two videos I impromptuly made (my spell check says that is NOT a word), to go with two songs from the new Nowa Huta release, Real Gold City.

Nowa Huta - Real Gold City 3

Nowa Huta - Real Gold City 1

As you can see they are different treatments of the same footage, the first just uses the basic footage I captured, the second I tried to be a bit more experimental and merged several layers at high contrast and in different colours. I used an additive composite to turn the black backgrounds invisible, so each layer affected each one underneath it with the colours mixing. As it turns out the first video, made from largely raw footage, was a lot more effective and fitting. Funny how that turns out sometimes! Anyway, they were just quick little projects with no planning, but it was nice to be working on something again.

You can probably tell where the footage is from, I have been hypnotised by the lava lamp I bought Dee for Christmas, so I tried to film it, but to get the image big enough to fill the screen so I really needed to zoom right in. Because of this the final footage is blurry but that gives it it's own special kind of weird glow which I really like.

Filming our test run of the new project on Friday! Will have more for you soon. Hope you all had a great Christmas and the new year that you wanted. It always ends up being a little disappointing, doesn't it? That's why I spend my new years getting drunk at home singing karaoke.

Speaking of drinking, I'm off to rustle up more alcohol.... fare thee well!!

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